winter harvest

winter harvest

Our “grow vegetables in New Hampshire in the winter” experiment has been a little successful. The spinach, mizuna, and mixed greens hibernated in the high tunnel through those very cold, very dark, and very windy winter months. It was a joy to find them still alive last week, harvest them, and return to the farmers’ market! The carrots and radishes are tiny sleepy plants, maybe they’ll decide to wake up when spring arrives next week.

On the other hand the “grow vegetables in New Hampshire in the winter” experiment was a bit of a disaster. The many low tunnels out in the field, did not survive the winds we’ve had this winter. The inner layer of woven fabric and the outer layer of thick plastic and a kazillion rock bags were no match for weeks of 50 mph wind gusts. There may be bok choy, scallions, spinach, and carrots all sleeping out there under a foot of ice and snow. We’ll let you know when spring gets here.

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