I just love it, when one of our foodie-customers (FC) gets all excited about a vegetable and encourages a hesitant-customer (HC) to try them, and also shares her favorite way to cook them.
The FC saw the HC staring at the Hakurei turnips yesterday, while I was helping another customer. FC then shared her love of these sweet little salad turnips with HC.
And now, I have a new recipe to share with you.
Cindy’s Hakurei Turnips
Wash turnips.
Cut off greens and set aside.
Cut turnips in half, tip to top.
In a hot skillet, brown the turnip halves, cut side down, in a little olive oil.
Add a little broth (1/4 cup) cover pan and let simmer till just fork tender.
Add greens, cover, and cook until the greens just start to wilt.
Season with salt and pepper. Eat and enjoy.
Cindy: if I forgot something, please let me know.